The Dictionary of the Future : A Lexicon for (our better) Tomorrow
We're glad you're here. If you're here, chances are you're thinking differently already. We think this is a good thing.
We'd like to invite you to help us create something new.
We're curious about the meanings and feelings that exist even though we don't yet have words to adequately describe them. We're curious about the words that we'll speak together with each other in our better and brighter future. We're curious about the words that will help us better articulate new narratives and new ways to be together.
So, what if we begin to create a new language?
What if we begin to create the language of the future together?
A lexicon for (our better) tomorrow.
Of course, we realize our multiple human languages are nuanced and that the origin of language is complex and is even debated among linguists.
We can't simply create a new language together, can we? It's not that simple!
Well, maybe if we're doing it as an artistic exploration, we can. That's how we're thinking of this. So, we'd like to invite you to collaborate with us.
Consider contributing a new word to The Dictionary of the Future.
This new dictionary will grow, one word by one.
Why do this?
We think that as we share these words with each other, we'll see new possibilities emerge.
We don't want to say much more than that because we really want to see what you think. We'll publish the words as they become available in dictionary installments, online vignettes, or word galleries, something like this.
Thank you for your willingness to create with us!
See below for how you can contribute.
We invite you to submit your word by March 31, 2025.
Let's get started!
Jeroen van der Most & Shannon Mullen O'Keefe
Let's begin.
How to contribute:
Thanks for your interest to contribute a word to The Dictionary of the Future!
So that you feel ready, here is what you'll be asked to do:
1. Contribute a word that you have created. So something completely new! (Authored by you).
2. Optional: If you wish, contribute the phonetic pronunciation of the word. (So we can pronounce it like you intend for us to).
3. Claim if it is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb (or something new).
4. Explain the meaning of the word. Why is it meaningful to you? Why did you feel it was missing from our language? How will this word matter to our collective future?
5. Use your word in a sample sentence.
6. Note: You may submit a word in any language or a language that you create. This form is not limited to English, but, for now, the instructions are available in English only.
BTW - We know ChatGPT does this. But we want it to be you--a human! We invite you to contribute a word that is your own creation (so it is new and not used or cited elsewhere.)
Click the link below to contribute.
To new words and new meaning!
Jeroen & Shannon
ps. Please note that by contributing your word you grant permission for its use in this project, now and in the future.
pps. Once you contribute a word for our future consider inviting friends to do the same.
Contribute your word here.
If you have a problem with the form, please contact us. We'll figure it out!
And of course if you are interested in sponsoring this or another Museum project we'll also be glad to hear from you. ;)